Redshift Sky Apps
- What is Redshift Sky
- What do the Redshift apps cost?
- How can I upgrade my Redshift Sky Pro to Ultimate?
- In which languages are the apps available?
- Is there an F-Droid version of Redshift Sky?
- Why do I only see a black screen when I want to scan the sky?
Redshift 9 Premium
- The display of the “Apparent Motion” of planets and moons does not seem to be correct. What could be the reason for this?
- What are the system requirements for Redshift 9?
- Can the orbit of a star (e.g. sun) be displayed as a continuous orbit during the course of the day?
- A new comet/asteroid is missing.
- I would like to use Redshift 9 across multiple monitors. Is this possible?
- Is there no more movie recorder in Redshift 9?